once upon a mind...

Sunday, July 08, 2007

The Love Rain

The rain comes as a relief at the end of a sun scorched day
The way you refresh exhausted me with your soft touch
The mind blowing fragrance of the wet soil
I can find your presence around me
I can ear the sweet sound of your giggling
In the incessant rhythm of the rain meeting earth
Want to get close to you…
Want to lose myself in your love
I go out and stand beneath the cloudy sky
Let the rain drops touch me and flow on my body
I make myself over to you in my fantasy
Don’t wish to open my eyes and interrupt my dreams.
I discover you in the cool hugs of the rain
And feel your warmth in the drops leaving my body…
The rain stops suddenly…
The world of my fantasy doesn’t rotate anymore.
I open my eyes slowly
And find none else on the rain bathed earth.
A tear comes out of the corner of my eye
And loses among the rain remnants on my cheek.
I feel unsatisfied ....helpless… left with the incomplete love
Every moment of my long breaths seems like an age..
It is time to start waiting again….don’t know how many days more
Still…still I wait…I wait for you…. May be some day…

Saturday, July 07, 2007


Don’t know from where……
Found a pair of wings.
Surprised, excited, glad me wished to fly
Thought I could win the sky
My smoky fantasies would come true;
Would envy all the birds up above there
And be friends with the clouds;
Would go to the moon and ask him
If he listened to my tales
I shared with him every night
One day I flew to the sky
High ….higher…. and ahead of higher…
But the sky seems to be unreachable.
Looked down and found there was no cloud either
All have rained down to the earth
The birds were busy in their own world
Once again I felt like I am a stranger on this earth.
Discovered how lifeless the moon was.
Wanted to scream...to cry... to cry badly.
Came back; threw away the wings,
The deserted mind sank into loneliness in silence.
The emptiness of the sky and my lonely world…
May have some relation….. Don’t know…

Thursday, July 05, 2007

a boat !

a small boat ... left for the journey itself .... without anybody on it... it had a brave heart….adventurous mind ... confidence to meet his dream...It started his journey from a small river... the river that flows slowly... that had pure sweet water... with lots of greeneries at its bank…it was having a nice journey… it was smiling at everybody meeting on the way….trying to talk to them… stopped at all possible places expecting that somebody would let him stay there …somebody who would love him….but none paid attention…. He waited… days..months..years… none looked at him… he thought might be somewhere else at some other river ..somebody would let him stay at some places…. He came out of the slow peaceful and beautiful river… got into a bigger one…. The big river was dirty… it had deadly speed… it was polluted… it was making him feel suffocated … but still he bore with everything … and kept on dreaming or bit care and love…and the one ..who would make him her own….. he tried to be friendly and sweet with every possible person he met on his way…. But all he got back in return were ignorance , rude behavior , cheap mentalities and those who made fun of him….. he started losing hope …. Stopped expecting somebody would ever care for him… the boat is still flowing on the dirty stinky polluted big river… now only expecting to get into the ocean and get crushed under the big heavy waved…or to get lost somewhere away. . far away from the man land…….