I watch it coming , closer ...more closer
One more step and i can touch it ...but it stops right there
Stares at me with its loving eyes
Tries to hint at me something with a sweet smile
But it doesnt come closer
I question it , it replies back
Converse with me with its magical words
I forget myself and wish to forget the reality as well
I wish to lose myself in its wonderful world
But the distance between us never reduces.
On appeal of its deceiving eyes
At the coolness of its mind listlessening fragnance,
On the desire of the most happiest moment of life..
Feel like getting intimate with it...I beg it to come closer
But it doet not listen.
Sometimes it seems to b like a dream;
but I am not sleeping , then how can it be so ?
If it is real ..then why it behaves so dreamy?
If it likes me...
Then why is the distance for?
Hopeless hope still tries to survive.
Pray for it with all my life to come close.
It just smiles and wishpers something....
Then suddenly .... it disappears one day..
Proves once again.... "LOVE" is not for me.
I second the thoughts :)
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