double rules...i hate !
you are a very pretty gal ... a gal who has got everything tht i dream for my dream gal to hav.... usually all pretty beaitiful gals are very rough and bad at heart . it seems blood doesnt enter in their only enriches their brain and gives them ideas "how to fool guys and use them to solve ur probs? "
it s more than 6 months i gues i hav bn talking wid u and we becme frens.... so many nites i hav spent sitting in front of computer just to chat wid u for some times.... so many days i kept on waiting but u did not turn many nites u did not talk to me though u wer there online... but nothing mattered to me... i had manged to find a reason for every act u did.... and it was always in ur favour...
the first day whn i saw u... i thot i met another "heartless gal" .... and i took it vry easy and i knew u wud talk to me for few days and stop talking to me all on a sudden . but u appeared to b far differnet from wht i assumed... i started liking you and more over i was really impressed by ur love for ur boyfriend who stays far away from you .... now i wonder...was tht true love ?
i remember whn i told u abt my feelings for u...u got irritated and told "why the hell u think i hav bn waiting for him since last 4 yrs ? it s not possible for him to get into another relatnshp leaving him... 'aar hobena' " . i was sad.... but i was happy for u..and always wished succes for ur love. still i did tell abt my feelings some more times to u and every time i used to get eithr a blunt or a rude reaction from u... but i cud not help it.... u must hav thot i m a vry shameless guy... but wht cud i do dear.....i cant hide my feelings!
but now.....just after ur bf left for his place and u started considering abt other guys.... i hate it !! whn i told u abt my condition , you pretended like you are too loyal to your bf ... and whr did tht high loyalty vanish now ? u knw i hate liars and those who makes unnecessary xcuses .... i knw u always go for handsome rich prospectiv smart guys . i don hav any of those features tht i cud impress you.... wht i had, are only very true and reall feelinsg for you , and i knw they are not enouogh for u to fall for a simple "nothing spcl" guy like me.
but sweetheart , it cud hav made me feel much better if u wud had had told me the truth tht i m not a guy who can dream for you .... but u made xcuses and lied and acted fake acts to keep me away from you .
you hav one rule for me and one for yourself for the same matter !! i hate double rules....
I hate you pretty gal !!!!!!!!!!
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