once upon a mind...

Saturday, May 20, 2006

blind love and love luck!

Where would you position yourself when somebody tells you that her feelings for you , are situated between two defined states LOVE and CRUSH ? so far I have been believing LOVE is the confirmation of your affection toward somebody special and CRUSH is like a waiting list….. she might fall for u finally or might forget all about you and move on to another person. But with the phrase stating “between love and crush” , the only position where u can place yourself is nothing but called CONFUSION . more over if this comes on your way from somebody u have not yet met and whom u have been knowing not more than since last few days….. I know love is blind… but I don think it s right for love to be BLIND FOREVER . after all , if that blind thing holds something wrong with out seeing it , it gonna affect you only . being blind…u ll never know either u are reaching for the rose or for the fire . . . so MY DEAR LOVE ( read LOVERS) , open up your eyes . u can fall in love being blind but to carry it forward u need to keep your eyes wide open to see if anything s going wrong or it s a super smooth sail on the ocean of life .
You can always fall for somebody on first sight , but u shud never enter to the deep from where u cant come out … or even if u come out , u will b life less. Be somewhere in the middle…from where you ll have options to choose ur next step…eithr u wud love to enter into more deep and stay back there for ever or you feel u wud get suffocated and u can come out of it anytime. there is no use of compromising when you knw it wud make ur life hell and gonna do nothing good for you . you want your love for a better life…. If there is no life,…. What is the love for ?
Now knowing the real person is another aspect of deciding how comfortable you are with the person you are falling for . you might feel like u hav
e knowing her over years on your first meet …. And sometimes , after spending whole life with her , u wud find she s still unknown to you and undoubtedly it yields AN UNSUCCESSFUL UNSATISFIED UNHAPPY life . I believe , this aspect totally depends on luck . you cant control it yourself .
So after all , you can say love is a cloud consists of uncertainty , confusions , expectations , desirers , feelings and luck of course …. If it rains , you enjoy it and feel romantic ; but if it disappears in the sky slowly or all on a sudden , it s gone … u lose it and wait for another cloud to form again on the bosom of sky and to be blessed with a love shower from it :)


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